
Log Report

As I've mentioned in my books, if a number of logs decreased drastically, it might not indicate that reportee host got healthier drastically.

Both increasing and decreasing of log amount are supposed to be taken care. I've forgotten the rule, sigh...

1 件のコメント:

Unknown さんのコメント...

Even though I read your books again, I can't get what you meant.

Did you mean something like below?

If the frequency of log rotations went down, it doesn't mean the host outputting the log messages is running stably nor safely.

Observe how the log message amount changes periodically, so that you can detect a drastic increment or decrement of messages.


 久しぶりのAdventカレンダー挑戦、うまくいく気がしません。 閑話休題。実のところ、rate()関数というよりは、サーバー側のmetric初期化問題です。 さて、何らかのサーバーAがあったとして、それが更に他のサーバーBにRPCを送っているとします。サーバーBの方でホワイトボ...